What is Medical Alert
The priority for most of us as we age is to remain independent and healthy in the homes we love. Medical Alert is a monitoring service that supports independent living and provides confidence that help is available 24 hours a day.

Medical alert services use a personal alarm and other monitored devices such as fall detectors or home sensors to call the monitoring centre in an emergency. Medical Alert can be an alternative to a loved one having to move into a care home or have a live-in carer.
These assistive technologies also provide reassurance to family and friends who may not be able to visit as often as they would like. For an elderly person who lives alone, medical can reassure them that help is never far away should an accident or medical emergency occur.
Why does Medical Alert need to be monitored 24/7?
Not everyone has family or friends who live nearby and can respond in an emergency. Having a 24 hour monitored medical alert solution ensures the elderly or vulnerable are fully supported and can continue to live independently at home.
When our personal alarms make an emergency call, they will contact one of our three India based Emergency Response Centres. The Emergency Response team will know who is calling and where they are calling from. Even if the alarm user is unable to communicate, the specialist team will be able to coordinate the appropriate level of help.
The expertly trained team will have the alarm user's emergency contacts and medical information to hand and will quickly assess the situation. A family member or friend will then be contacted, or if medical assistance is needed then the emergency services will be called.
Do you need Medical Alert if you have a mobile phone?
Mobile phones are great for keeping in touch with loved ones but are not always suitable for getting help in an emergency. Relatives may not always be available to answer a call. They may have their phones switched off or on silent, be out of coverage or at work.
Our personal alarms are connected to our Emergency Response Centres, ensuring no call goes unanswered. The Emergency Response team have an average alarm call response time of just 5 seconds.
A mobile phone does not have a features like fall alert which can trigger alarm when an elder or vulnerable person falls down. The pendant alarms have a long 5-year battery life and can be worn comfortably around the neck or wrist. The button on the pendant can then be easily reached in an accident of emergency.
Most mobile phones are not water-resistant so can't be taken into the bath or shower. Our pendant alarms are water-resistant so they can be worn where the risk of falling or slipping is highest.
Who can benefit from Medical Alert?
Although many elderly people benefit from medical alert , the service can also provide support to other vulnerable people. This includes individuals such as those living with dementia, people with mobility problems or those with a physical or learning disability.
The teams in our Emergency Response Centres are also trained and fully understand the challenges of caring for people with dementia, Alzheimer’s or mental impairments.
Medical Alert greatly benefits the friends and family of the user, giving them peace of mind that their loved one has access to help 24 hours a day should they need it.
Providing a life-saving service to thousands of customers.
Indipendant has been providing personal alarm services for more than 2 years. Since 2018 alone, we have helped over 1000 people stay safe in their homes, supporting customers and their families across the countries abroad. With an average alarm response time of just 5 seconds, you can feel safe and be confident of receiving the support you and your family deserve. *